Wednesday, March 16, 2011

torcher and punishment

Brides scold-it was to punish woman who gossiped. It was mostly a cage that had a metal strip that would fit in the mouth. either a sharpened or covered with a spick. This would make it so if the woman would move her tongue it would hurt.
A lot of punishments were from king james/king henry 8.
Pillory it was to hold people there hands and head were put between 2 slabs of wood it could also be fitted with a whipping stool so it could also be a public for of punishment.
The same crimes from are time happened back in his time. The different ways of punishment is the only thing. One of the big things are if you stole you would loose your right hand now we would give them a warning or put them in jail. So as you can see there punishments are outrages.
Do you think that what they did back then can be justified?
Do you think that if you could loose your right hand for stealing would you steal?