Wednesday, March 16, 2011

torcher and punishment

Brides scold-it was to punish woman who gossiped. It was mostly a cage that had a metal strip that would fit in the mouth. either a sharpened or covered with a spick. This would make it so if the woman would move her tongue it would hurt.
A lot of punishments were from king james/king henry 8.
Pillory it was to hold people there hands and head were put between 2 slabs of wood it could also be fitted with a whipping stool so it could also be a public for of punishment.
The same crimes from are time happened back in his time. The different ways of punishment is the only thing. One of the big things are if you stole you would loose your right hand now we would give them a warning or put them in jail. So as you can see there punishments are outrages.
Do you think that what they did back then can be justified?
Do you think that if you could loose your right hand for stealing would you steal?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How reading Changes you

Reading I hated it as a child I hated it and tried to avoid reading all the way up till high school. Then I noticed that my spelling was suffering my grammar went down hill. Instead of progressing I was degreasing. I was behind my sister who always loved to read she was a school kind of girl I was a out more playing in the woods. So I was forced to reed more and I started to like it more and more. It seem to hook my into it, its just like a movie in your head. I think that having ssr in your class time is very help full.

Time to Improve
        My blog is small unclear and the grammar is very bad. To improve my blog I would like to do a post every two weeks or so. I also would like to work on putting more info because if I don't put all the info down then how are my readers suppose to know what I am talking about. And to improve my grammar I am going to have a person read it and tell me if I need to change something before I post it.

Shooting in arizona

In Arizona  on saturday the eight, Jared Lee Loughner a suspect in shooting that killed a nine year old girl. A jury will decides if he will get the death penalty or not. He is trying to say that it was mental state so he should not be put to death but into a mental hospital. He killed six people and wounded 13, One of the people he wounded was a congresswoman making this a federal charge.

I think this despicable man deserves the death penalty, because of the horrendous affect this had on the family's and the hole country. Many people get the death penalty for killing one person, he killed six wounded 13 and to make it worse one of the people he killed was nine she hardly  new the world. She did't even start her life and it was end so suddenly and painfully. I think any man that is willing to take a child's life, should die as the child did.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nomansland by Lesley Hauge

Nomansland by Lesley Hauge. Was a very unique book that I have ever read. It is about a community of woman, that live on there own growing there own food and much more. This land that they live on has no men on it, men are the enemy to them. They have fighters called trackers that are suppose to protected them from the enemy. Keller starts finding stuff out about the before time witch make big problems for her. I really liked this book because we have problems like this all over the world. I highly recommend this book  for girls but it also can be for boys. It is a short book it is 243 pg. Its good for a free reading book. This book is told told from a tracker called Keller. Does Keller ever learn about the before time, what are they trying to hide from her, and who invented the wheel.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

To whom it may consern

                I have just read this book and have found out that there is some people who would like to ban the book. This book is very different then what I useably read. This book talks about the maine character getting raped at a party before her freshman year of high school.I can see why some people would like to ban it, but it does give some insite to a rape victim.
               There is over 700,000 rape or sexual assault Vickers each year, 61% of these women are under the age of 18. To me that is allot of kids getting raped. If more kids read this book or books like it they would be more prepared to hear it or to help a friend through it. I am not saying that we would let young kids read this book, but kids in the middle school and in the high school should have a class for kids.                                   I am shore people would rather not talk about it because it is a taboo topic, but so is't sex but kids are having class about that in the middle school.

            Kids and adults should know that stuff like this happens more often then we think, and that 1 in 6 girls would be sexual assaulted or raped. But how are we supposed to stop it if no one knows about it. And that is what this book does it teches us that it does happen and it is very dramatic. That is why I think this book should become mandatory for health health classes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

private peaceful

private peaceful is a story that took place in the first world war. This story is being told by tommy when he is the trenches with his older brother charlie. This book is about love,trust,courage, and death. I would recommend this to mostly men but it is a good book for all. A short summery is that tom was pard up with molly for her to help with tying up his shows. Charlie and her meat shortly after then and they were best friends. But charlie and her friendship grew bigger and bigger but tom thought he was loosing her as a friend. But he gangs her as a aunt Because she is pregnat and at the same time charlie and tom left for war. And that is all i am going to tell you if you wont to know more you need to read it :)